The Crowning With Thorns
by Troy Caperton
Buy the Original Painting
20.000 x 15.000 x 0.500 inches
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The Crowning With Thorns
Troy Caperton
Painting - Oil On Canvas
This is a reproduction of Caravaggio’s “The Crowning with Thorns” of 1606. The master wrote out a contract to Massimo Massimi for the work the previous year. The work is influenced by Ruben’s alterpiece depicting the same moment in the Passion of Christ and is based in the style of Titian’s treatment of the same incident. Caravaggio alters the repsentation by minimizing the objects detracting from the focus on Christ and three principal tormentors. As is usual, Caravaggio captures his subjects in their humanity and with dark tones. The original work is in the Cassa di Risparmio di Prato. Michelangelo Merisi was born in Caravaggio, near Milan, in 1571 and from the age of thirteen he studied painting for four years. He went to Rome at twenty-one and became an associate of Cesare d’Arpino, an artist and art dealer. He secured his first patron, Cardinal Del Monte, who gained Caragavvio’s first commission for side paintings in San Luigi dei Francesi in Rome. From 1600 he was constantly in trouble with the law for assaults and libels but he continued to secure important commissions. In 1606 Caravaggio was forced to flee Rome having been accused of murder. He spent time in Naples and Sicily and became a Knight of St. John in the latter in 1608. Before long he had to flee again after being imprisoned. He received a pardon from the Pope and was one his way back to Rome when he died at the age of thirty-nine at Porto Escole.
If you are interested in commissioning an oil painting on canvas of this art print, please send me an email at
January 30th, 2018
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